Controversial Evangelical Minister, James Dobson, resigned as chairman of "Focus on the Family" on Friday. The 72 year old Dobson says he will continue to host the radio program, write the monthly newsletter and speak on moral issues still on behalf of the company. I personally have been very upset with Dobson in recent months and years as he speaks out continually against the gay community and would not be disappointed to see him leave the spotlight all together, but for now no such luck. you can find more info on this story at http://www.google.com/hostednews/ap/article/ALeqM5iYgrbhrH3ysV5JVN7Ol2jFuSdtVwD96K5RH03.
finally! his organisation should not have started out in the first place, what a travesty! and to think they spread their smut here in South Africa as well. One word: appalling.