T.D. Jakes, pastor of the Potter's House Megachurch in Dallas, TX was put in a real moral spot by his stepson on January 3, 2009. The long rumored to be gay Jermaine Jakes is a 29 year old man. He was arrested by Dallas Police on that day for allegedly dropping his pants and pleasuring himself while making eye contact with an undercover policeman at the Kiest Park on Kiest Blvd in West Oak Cliff, TX, near his stepfather's church. Police were investigating alleged sexual activity in the park. Jermaine was detained on the scene and released. He missed his first court date and a warrant was issued. On Feb 12th, Jermaine turned himself in. Indecent exposure is a class B misdemeanor. Jermaine has been released on a $1,000 personal recognisance bond.
T.D.Jakes has long held that he would not allow a homosexual to serve in any capacity in his Church knowingly. When Jermaine was taken into custody, he listed "The Potter's House" as his place of employment. This puts Bishop Jakes in an odd spot. Does he treat the stepson as any other person and therefore ask him to leave the Church's employ? Or does he take back what he has said for years about no gay person working at the Church? Either way uninvited scandal lies at the Bishop's feet.
I know for certain that I do not envy the Bishop in this position. Having served as a pastor in the Southern Baptist Convention for years as a heterosexually married homosexual, I know the pains of both the Bishop and his stepson. My response to the elder Jakes is to remember the story of the prodigal son. In that story, the Father knew the son had been living a hard life and the Father accepted him back into his home with no questions except maybe, "Are you alright?" My plea to the younger Jakes is to be true to himself, else years later you will look back in agony for all the years of living a lie. I remember both these men today. Best wishes.
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